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  • Kompleks Universitas Terbuka, Pondok Cabe Pamulang Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
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Announcement of the 2018 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award, Theme: Applying Local Wisdom for Environmental Conservation

Dear Centre Directors and Secretary-General/Coordinator,


The SEAMEO Secretariat and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) in cooperation with UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education are pleased to announce the 2018 SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Award, with the theme of “Applying Local Wisdom for Environmental Conservation”.    


The objectives of this year’s award scheme are:


1)    To raise awareness of local wisdom applied for environmental conservation and sustainable development in schools and communities in Southeast Asia and Japan.


2)    To promote and share initiatives and good practices that support sustainable development through the integration of local wisdom into the teaching and learning practices and school programmes that protects local environment and develops local community. 


3)    To encourage schools to develop and improve current ESD activities and programmes.


We would like to invite all public and private schools as well as vocational and technical schools (certificate level) in 11 SEAMEO Member countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam to submit the information about their respective school’s activities/programmes relating to the theme.  Details of the award and guidelines for submission of entries are available in the SEAMEO website: www.seameo.org.  The last day for submission of entries is on 3 September 2018


In this regard, we would like to kindly request the support of your Centre to disseminate and promote the announcement of this 2018 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award as herewith attached to schools in Southeast Asian countries under your network. 


In addition, it would be highly appreciated if the web banner of the award could be posted on the Centre’s website and social media such as facebook, twitter or others.  The web banner can be linked to the following URL: http://www.seameo.org/SEAMEOWeb2/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=103&Itemid=558


For more information of the SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award, please contact Ms Piyapa Su-angavatin, SEAMEO Secretariat, through email at: seameojapan.award@seameo.org;  piyapa@seameo.org  or by telephone number: +66 (0) 2391 0144.


Your kind support and cooperation is greatly appreciated. 


Yours sincerely,